Wednesday, September 29, 2010

W6D3 and procrastination

Oh man, we sure are getting behind in our program. We aren't giving up, it's just that we've been busy lately and haven't been getting home on time to run. By the time we get home it's after 6 and then we just want to eat dinner, not run, stretch, and shower for an hour. So we were supposed to do W7D1 yesterday. We didn't get to it. We were supposed to do it tonight then but instead we had a date night. So tomorrow we must do it! We have to! No way out this time, no matter what!

I'll write first about W6D3. We ran this on Sunday afternoon, maybe around 1pm. It was very sunny outside. Clear skies. I remember thinking it was going to be cold out so I brought my running jacket with. But then as we walked half a block outside we both decided it was warm and we went back to the house to drop off our jackets so we wouldn't have to run with them. We are so indecisive in this fall weather. It was a good decision to ditch the jackets because it did end up being very hot on the run!

The 25 minute run was difficult. That's our longest run ever! But I will say that it wasn't impossible. I just had to pace myself. It was a rather slow pace sometimes. But I still kept up the motions of running at all times, even if it may have been faster to just power walk.

I was happy because we made it our farthest distance yet on that run. We went past the farthest bridge and around the corner of the trail to where we could see the old apartment building we used to live in. It was always my goal to run that far and I was glad we finally made it there. I always thought we'd make it there earlier in the program but I'm glad we at least made it that far at some point in the program. My new goal is to get a little bit beyond that point every time now. It will mean I'm running farther and improving my pace each time. I can see us getting closer and closer to the 5K now. I estimate we are running about 2.6 miles right now in the 25 minutes. I think we will get to the 5K pretty soon!

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