Wednesday, November 17, 2010

To Run in the Snow or Not?

Husband S and I have somewhat kept up with running. We haven't had much time to run together the past few weeks but we have ran on our own inside the gym. It's tough running in the gym on a small track. The turns come up too quickly and you are always working one leg more than the other. I should try running on a treadmill more instead.

Anyway, this post is about running an actual race, which we haven't done yet because there haven't been any races offered in our town to date. However, there are some offered in a nearby city on Thanksgiving day. I love the names of the races - Turkey trots and Gobble gallops. The thing is, it snowed recently up in that city. And I mean a lot. So the trails would be covered with ice and snow. We haven't ran in those conditions yet and I'm not sure it would be the best idea to run our first 5K race in those conditions. What do you think? Does this look like a good idea?

Is anyone else planning on running on Thanksgiving Day? It would make you feel better about eating all of that food afterward, wouldn't it?!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andie - I JUST saw your comment so here is the link to my "tutorial" - it is super easy!

    (And I'd recommend a real staple gun, but you make due.)
